Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sight of Sound- Peer Gynt: Ase's Death

Young man walking-about to be hit by a car when he shuts his eyes and when he opens them, he is in a beautiful golden field. Thinking a soft gold tint on this scene. As he looks around in his dirty clothes, he sees a flock of beautiful girls dressed in all white in a synchronized dance. They begin to surround him with the dance and begin to take off his dirty clothes from the regular world. They rub their hands all over him and then he begins to dance with them, completely letting go. Close up shots of his body movement during this part. When the music begins to change, they all stop dancing and look towards (mountain/trail.) They gesture towards it and he begins walking because he knows that is the path towards the final step on his journey in seeing the light. He walks/climbs very slowly and when he gets to the end, their is a pristine lake. He steadies himself, then jumps into the water. This is in the soft, high pitched part of the song, he is floating and swimming in the water, essentially reaching enlightenment, when he comes up from the water, he is in his own swimming pool, lets out a small chuckle and smile and then the screen goes black.

Working Title: Within the Light